Demandium is a complete booking service platform developed using Laravel and Flutter Framework.
Laravel ( PHP Framework ) is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax which is robust and easy to understand. We’ve already laid the foundation — allowing you to create without bothering about details.
Flutter, made by Google, is an open-source framework for developing mobile applications. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications.
Demandium comprises 3 Mobile Applications, 2 Web Panel and 1 landing page –
– Customer app for Android, iOS, and web
– Serviceman app for Android
– Provider app for Android and iOS
– Super Admin web panel
– Provider web panel
– Landing page
The customer, serviceman, and provider apps are developed using Flutter. The Super Admin (admin can provide role-based access) and Provider web panels (owner can provide role-based access) are developed using Laravel. The landing page is also developed using Laravel Blade.